There are unwritten rules in all sports. You don't bunt to try to break up a pitcher's no-hitter.
You don't walk across a fellow golfer's putting line.
You don't act like a tough guy when you're sporting a visor.
As fans, there are certain codes we need to abide by as well. Most fans support their favourite team(s) by wearing jerseys. I have some, Steve has some, you have some. However, there are certain criteria that should/should not be met when it comes to personalizing these jerseys. Lately I have seen my fair share of what I like to call jersey fouls.
Here are some prime examples of jersey fouls...

Own Name: NO! I understand that "its your money and you can do whatever the hell you want with it," but this is so lame. Beyond lame. The only place this is okay is on NHL 09. To make it worse, most people (guys anyway) include the number "69" when they do this. Not funny. Unless you are 16.

I shouldn't have to explain why NOT to do something like this. I bet your kids are proud of that. Your husband is likely long out of the picture I take it. Don't put your nickname on the back of a jersey either. So lame.

Don't put a player's name on a jersey that he never wore. Gretzky NEVER wore this Team Canada jersey. I've seen an old school yellow-purple Kings Dustin Brown jersey. No. Would you get a current Oilers jersey with Gretzky on the back? If you would, you are in idiot. Having said that, I'm sure they exist.
This is the only Gretzky Oilers jersey that is ok...

More to come later. For now, I leave you with the "Franken-jersey"...
1 comment:
Do published magazines that use an active player on the cover in a photo-shopped image of another team's jersey count? Personal faves are the idiot moneybags that decide to bust up two jersey's and make it into one.
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